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2012 Matrix Auto Systems

2012 Matrix Auto Systems

Owner/Driver: Brian Anderson

Hometown: Issaquah, WA

Yearly Boat Points Finishes

2023: 8127 points, 8th of 40 boats

2022: 5853 points, 11th of 43 boats

2021: 1650 points, 30th of 55 boats

2020: Not held due to COVID-19 pandemic

2019: 6311 points, 13th of 59 boats

2018: 5364 points, 17th of 58 boats

2017: 5590 points, 14th of 63 boats

Unlimited Hydroplane Info


Hull #8806

This hull made its debut in 1988 as part of the Miss Madison team, and was the Madison's main boat until 2006. The Webster racing team purchased the boat and upgraded the safety cockpit. The team was gaining speed with the boat, and ran the first two races in 2012.

The boat was most well known for its spectacular flip in front of the Detroit Yacht Club in 2012. Driver Mike Webster was unhurt.

2012 Matrix Auto Systems

Photo by Chris Denslow, taken at Madison

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Website updated by Geoffry Grembowski

Property of R/C Unlimiteds

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